Best of 2023 in Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia
January 5, 2024 News

Best of 2023 in Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia

In the vast landscapes of Mongolia, Caritas Czech Republic embarked on a transformative journey throughout 2023, leaving an important mark on the nation's future. Focused on sustainability and community development, the organisation spearheaded impactful projects across three key sections.

1. Revolutionising Waste Management in Bulgan Province

The Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia (SPRIM) project unfolded, bringing a paradigm shift in Bulgan Province's waste management practices. Early in 2023, Caritas Czech Republic strategically devised an optimal route scheme, ensuring the efficient collection of plastic and recyclable waste, covering 80% of the province. Beyond infrastructure, the project prioritised community engagement. Over 5,000 individuals actively participated in training sessions, fostering a culture of responsible waste disposal.


The establishment of a centralised collection point marked a pivotal step, streamlining waste transportation and resulting in the collection of an impressive 150 tons of recyclable materials. Caritas Czech Republic showcased project outcomes at the "Achievements and Future Perspectives in Environmental Education in Mongolia" conference, emphasising the educational impact. The project's legacy extended to empowering local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to continue and expand waste management efforts, creating sustainable, community-driven solutions.


A notable aspect of SPRIM was the organisation of two study tours, where local stakeholders learned best practices from international waste management systems. Caritas Czech Republic was not just managing waste; it was fostering a holistic understanding of environmental stewardship.

2. Nurturing Mongolia's Future Leaders

The "All for YOUth, YOUth for All" project unfolded throughout the year, with a focus on empowering Mongolia's youth. 18 Mongolian youth embarked on an enlightening exchange programme to the Czech Republic and Belgium, fostering cross-cultural understanding.

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Training initiatives were a cornerstone of the project, facilitating experience exchanges with government and civil society organisations. A Youth Participation Strategy for 2024-2028 was developed in collaboration with Bayankhongor Province, aiming to enhance youth involvement in decision-making processes.

The project culminated in the Ninth National Youth Development Forum, a collaborative platform that brought together over 800 stakeholders from government, civil society, and the private sector. This forum addressed the myriad challenges faced by the youth, fostering a collective spirit of problem-solving.


A creative outlet was provided through the "Reflection" photo contest, where 72 submissions became a powerful platform for youth to express their concerns and aspirations. The closing ceremony celebrated four years of successful growth, acknowledging the collective achievements of all involved parties.

3. Transforming Mongolia's Business Landscape

The "Switching On the Green Economy" project emerged as a transformative force, launched in November 2022. This initiative aimed to train 1,500 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the agricultural food, water, and beverage sectors. In addition, 30 professional business associations (BBAs) and 750 retailers were engaged in green certification and eco-labeling best practices, with the overarching goal of transitioning to a local green economy.


The first training of the "Accelerator Program" for Green Business Development took place on November 16-17, 2023. Representatives from participating businesses lauded the program, highlighting its emphasis on foundational understanding, eco-labelling, sustainable development, circular business models, and environmental analysis. The project conducted an in-depth assessment of the agri-food and beverage sector in 2022-2023, engaging 742 MSMEs and retail service providers. Findings revealed challenges and recommendations, emphasising the need for government support and incentives.

This multifaceted initiative under "Switching On the Green Economy" reflected a comprehensive approach to ushering in sustainable practices, empowering businesses, and steering Mongolia toward a resilient and eco-friendly economic future.

As the projects unfolded, Mongolia witnessed not only tangible changes in waste management and youth empowerment but also a broader shift towards a greener and more sustainable future. Caritas Czech Republic, through its endeavours, continues to catalyse positive change, leaving a lasting legacy in Mongolia.