Fair on Technology Exhibition during National Forum on Waste Management
July 30, 2019 News

Fair on Technology Exhibition during National Forum on Waste Management

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism organized the National Forum on waste management under the theme “Transition and solutions to waste-free economy” on May 7, 2019 in the Blue sky tower. The main objective of this event was to address the current issues facing the waste management in Mongolia, possible solutions and further plans. During the forum, organizers organized a fair in which Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia (CCR) and the project had an opportunity to showcase the results and outputs of the project. There are representatives of relevant ministries, private entities such as recycling companies, NGOs and local municipal authorities participated the fair as well.

The CCR introduced the current project of “Improving resource-efficient and cleaner production in the Mongolian construction sector through materials recovery”. By that, Construction Demolition Waste (CDW) based product with its samples and processing steps were presented. Project team informed about important up-to-date information from the keynote speakers from the multiple sectors. Study books, fact sheets and brochures were disseminated to the public to increase their knowledge on CDW management. Project team also provided answers to questions from the public. Short video on the project was broadcasted on a big screen showing the main achievement of the project so far.

Handing out the fliers of the research work of the project gave opportunity for the stakeholders of the construction sector to have in-depth view on the current situation of the CDW, which in turn helped to receive valuable feedbacks on developing suggestions and ideas.