SMEs training
January 6, 2020 News

SMEs training

Training on Construction Demolition Waste Management has been organized for SMEs in the construction sector. Since 2018, we have reached out to over 400 participants and increased their knowledge and capacity on CDW management.

Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) in Mongolia has been successfully organizing training for SMEs in the construction sector in order to introduce about Construction Demolition Waste (CDW), especially concrete and opportunities to reuse and recycle it, and to provide practical experience at the laboratory to test out different construction materials under the “Improving resource-efficiency and cleaner production in the Mongolian construction sector through materials recovery” project. The trainers was trained at Technology University of Delft (TUD) in Netherland and developed training topics, handbooks and other materials for the representatives from SMEs on construction norms, guidelines, construction cycle and MOOC. Training participants learned about starting from construction planning to methods of demolishing of buildings and how to reuse the demolition waste through recycling. Furtherly they gained knowledge on how to apply their knowledge in practice. We have organized the training at different locations such as all UB districts, Darkhan, Erdenet, MUST and so on. 


After the each training, the participants commented that they also got some new business ideas from the training and expressed their opinion to involve decision makers in future trainings. Also, Participants who have successfully finished the training were given certificates which would be deemed for 1 credit hours at Mongolian Builders’ Association’s professional development program. As a result of the training, the participants stated that they will be constantly using the knowledge they gained through training.  
