Construction Demolition Waste Management Project
March 10, 2021 Completed projects

Construction Demolition Waste Management Project

Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) in Mongolia has been implementing “Improving resource-efficiency and cleaner production in the Mongolian construction sector through materials recovery” project since 2016 in collaboration with the Mongolia University of Science and Technology (MUST), Delft University of Technology (TUD) of Netherlands and Mongolian National Recycling Association (MNRA). The action is financially supported by the European Union (SWITCH-Asia program) and Czech Development Agency and the total budget is 1.36 million EUR.

The project aims to contribute to the reduction of climate change and poverty in Mongolia through supporting local construction SMEs to switch to more resource-efficient practices. The main beneficiaries of the project are SMEs in the construction and demolition sector, construction material producer SMEs, Mongolian state institutions, universities, professors and students, NGOs and private entities. 

In order to reach the objectives of the project, the project aims to achieve 4 expected results & complete dozens of innovative activities: 

ER1: Key stakeholders in the construction sector are prepared to adopt sustainable construction and demolition waste (CDW) management practices

Activities: Publication of a baseline study on the current situation on CDW management, preparation of training materials and tools (MOOC - Massive Online Open Course), organization of training sessions on sustainable waste management practices for construction material producer SMEs and construction SMEs and creation of a new university curriculum on CDW management

ER2: A CDW-based product has been tested, verified in terms of economic feasibility, approved and prepared for commercial production

Activities: Publication of a MFA report describing CDW recovery applications in Europe that are relevant to the local context, conduction of economic feasibility study to verify profitability of CDW-based product, preparation and getting approval of standards for the new CDW-based product, organization of training sessions for SMEs interested in the commercial production of the CDW-based product

ER3: Awareness of the advantages of CDW-based products has been raised among SMEs and state administration bodies

Activities: Conduction of a study on public awareness on CDW–based products, organization of awareness raising events for target SMEs on CDW management and products, organization of business to business activities and organization of awareness raising events for the representatives of state administration bodies and other relevant stakeholders

ER4: The legal framework is more conducive to sustainable CDW management

Activities: Analysis of the existing legal framework and formulation of recommendations, organization of seminars for decision-makers on legal framework best practices, organization of a study tour on European practices in CDW management and establishment of a multi-stakeholder working group to develop the procedure on CDW management